Reflections from an Alumni: Peru Edition
“Do one thing every day that scares you.”― Eleanor Roosevelt
I’ve been to Peru twice now, and I can honestly say that my experiences there have had a huge impact on my life and the way I live. The first time I went was the summer after my freshman year in high school, and I really didn’t know what to expect. I was happy to discover, upon my landing, that all of my worries had been for nothing. In fact, I enjoyed the trip so much that I had to go back a second time.
My first impression of Peru was how stunning the landscape is. Flying into Lima, we couldn’t see much, but the flight to Cusco was absolutely incredible. And it didn’t stop there — Ollantaytambo and Bandolista, the towns we stayed in, were perched in a valley of magnificent mountains and crystal clear skies. The beauty of the nature that I witnessed, and became a part of, is unmatched by anything else I have ever encountered.
On both occasions, when I met my host family, I came to love them over the two weeks I was there, truly surprised by how deep a relationship could grow in such a short amount of time. The amount of dedication and effort they all gave to make sure I was comfortable, healthy, and, ultimately, happy, was on par with what I experience with my real family. I learned quickly that the lifestyle in Peru was drastically different from what I was used to, and dramatically simpler, but it didn’t take me long to embrace it. From it I learned a deeper appreciation for the things that matter most and how to delineate those things from more trivial, material things.
Finally, I would say that the positivity of my experience is a direct result of the WLS staff and the activities they organized for us. From working with the local school in Bandolista to white water rafting to unforgettable hikes in the mountains to visiting Machu Picchu, there was always something fascinating to do. The staff also made sure to take care of us and ensure that all of our health needs were addressed, which I took for granted the first year but took advantage of my second time around. Last semester, I actually facetimed with one of the WLS staff I met in Peru last to talk about climate change, the effects it has on local communities, and what we can do to mitigate the negative aspects.
My visits to Peru have influenced me so much more than I had expected them to, and I am incredibly grateful that I had the opportunity to participate in such a special trip.
— Julian Hernandez-Webster, WLS Alumni, Peru Program 2011